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Minecraft Account
Here you can learn how to properly link your account to our website so that you may browse our website efficiently.
If you follow each and every step this should be a relatively easy process for you.

Step I
Locate your Discord / Minecraft Link page.

Step II
Click "verify" on the Minecraft option.

Step III
Locate where it says, "To complete registration, please execute the command /verify <code> in-game."

Step IV
Copy the code provided and type /verify <code> in any of our servers.

Step V
Go back to Discord / Minecraft Link page and confirm it is connected. If it is not connected, please create a ticket in our Discord server.
Discord Account Linking
Here you can learn how to properly link your account to our website so that you may browse our website efficiently.
If you follow each and every step this should be a relatively easy process for you.

Step I
Locate your Discord / Minecraft Link page

Step II
Click "Connect" on the Discord option.

Step III
Locate where it says, "Please run the command
/verify token:<token ID> in Discord to finish linking your Discord account."

Step IV
Copy the code provided  and type
/verify token:<token ID> in the Bot Commands channel.

Step V
Go back to Discord / Minecraft Link page and confirm it is connected. If it is not connected, please create a ticket in our Discord server.